Based on your suggestions, we've updated Portfolio Copilot™ adding a New Feature to Manually Add Virtual Portfolios!
Now you can create and manage your virtual portfolios directly within Portfolio Copilot™, and can make the best of InvestAlert AI investing tools, regardless of your brokerage accounts.
Creating a portfolio manually
Log in to InvestAlert App
From Add Portfolio > Choose 2 - Create a Portfolio by hand

Give a name to your portfolio and choose the currency of the portfolio then
Pick the Securities, Funds, Coins, ETF's you would like to add
Add the amount and the type of position
Once happy with your portfolio just save it
Accessing Portfolio Copilot™ and unlock the power of AI investing tools
After you save your portfolio, our onboarding process, which activates Portfolio Copilot™ and all analytics and features, may take up to 2 hours. We will send you an email notification once everything is ready!

Products and Features
Portfolio Copilot™ by InvestAlert continuously Predicts risks, highlights diversification & visualises performance. Portfolio Insights provides the 'why' behind your portfolio movements through its curated narrative & reporting feature. InvestAlertGPT is our GPT that unites the latest curated news, earnings calls, prices and macro data. By integrating chat modality, InvestAlertGPT ensures an immersive user-driven experience.
Let us know how it goes
Your feedback matters a lot to us and we would love to hear any feedback ( on the new functionality.